Reviews – Danny’s Boy

“Great read! Author Laurie Rossin had me going right from the start. I could not put it down. She has written a wonderful book mixing an intriguing tale, suspense and romance into a real page-turner.”

Robert Dievendorf

“With human cloning on the horizon of our modern society, this book is close enough to the truth that it sends your brain spinning into an ‘OMG, could this really happen?’ For a first time published author, Laurie has found her calling. It is a well-written page turner with an easy reading cadence.”

Susan Hoel

“Danny’s Boy grabbed my attention right from the beginning and I couldn’t put it down! The love story, told with a backdrop of a moral dilemma and set in the Twin Cities, was both riveting and thought provoking. Kudos to Laurie Rossin on her first novel!” Customer Review 

“Very real characters in an impossible situation. The story line is filled with surprising cause and effects that keep you turning the pages. Also echo the comment about the thought provoking topic of this great read!”
– Customer Review